
Having a problem with getting those fine lines and ideas to finish off design?

In this short video I’m showing you how to practice fine lines with a brush and paint.

Here are 3 things to know before you start to play with your paint:

– your brush must be really good quality, with longer or shorter bristles – depends what you prefer and have extremely pointy and beautiful tip;

acrylic paint – get the right consistency by adding water. It should be more watery than usually, when practicing on a paper. The consistency should be like a double cream;

– your hand – whatever you do never stiff your hand, make sure it’s flexible and relaxed.

Practice straight and curvy lines, shapes such as triangles, squares; swirls and whatever you can think about – more practice is always better than less 😉

In the video you can see how I practice fine lines with a brush and acrylic paints. Watch and get an idea of some finishing touches you can also use with any design 🙂

What is your biggest challenge when it comes to lines? A brush? Paint consistency? Ideas of finishing elements? What are your tips to paint fine lines?

I’d love to hear it, so share it in comments below 🙂

With love,
